Friday, August 27, 2010

Rain can slow a day...

Even with all the work going on inside the 3 buildings, rain can still hamper a day's progress. A late morning downpour delayed some outdoor concrete mixing for over an hour today. Another downpour at clean up time delayed that as well. But, you know that didn't stop the team from completing 3 more floor sections and over 1/2 of the plastering in the dining hall. Looks like that work will complete tomorrow.
Answer to yesterday's trivia question...Two of Martin's children were named after Ted & Dolly's Pollock's children. For the extra credit to that answer their names are Bill and Carolyn (that one we gave you).
Tonight's trivia comes from the kid's activities today helping out. Because the brick work is completed, the remaining brick pile at the building had to be moved to the tarp area for surplus building materials at the other end of the compound. Someone tapped the 20 +/- able bodied orphans to help. Each wanted to do their best. The youngest would struggle with all his might just to carry (and run) with one brick. Others carried 4-5 each. Then came the organizers. They took off with the construction wheelbarrows and started to load them with bricks. I looked out the window and couldn't believe how many kids can operate one wheelbarrow. That, faithful readers, is your trivia question. How many kids can operate one wheelbarrow full of bricks?

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