Monday, June 21, 2010

Commissioning of 1st Team

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    This is Bev. Pollock here, giving an update on Team #1 leaving Rochester.
    They had a delay in Rochester due to the plane next to their gate had a fuel leak. So, they had to change their gate. Their plane was late coming in. So, they were late leaving Rochester, NY. The were headed to JFK. Talked to them while the were at JFK. They had talked with Dave Jenks and he was in the airport. So, he was there and would be joining up with them.
    The rest of the team Ron, Adam, Sara and Tim they were getting thru customs didn't have much time to do. The last I got was a Text around 9:45pm saying the were heading out. Not sure if I will get any updates from Adam or not from his black berry.
    I guess I was left with out any flight info or anything else. Jim W may have some and Janette may have some too. Nothing other than that is all the news I have on them. They were going touring and getting into Katli on Saturday. So, by Saturday night they should be blogging. Let me tell you this computer stuff is not my bag!!! I hope this is what you do and I don't have hackers coming into my computernow! LOL
